Press Releases
All Telecel phone numbers will have 7 digits
Telecel started in 1997, to progressively change its phone numbers to seven digits by introducing the digit “9” before the six digits previously used.
It should be mentioned that this change is being carried out in phases, which started with the numbers beginning with “9” and “40”. Until 23 January 1998 the same will happen to the numbers starting by “43” to “49”, and this process will be finished by 7 February with the series “41” and “42”.
In the future, on a date still unknown, this operation might be extended to other series. On the other hand, the change is communicated beforehand to the involved Customers and, after it has happened, there will be a recorded warning that the change has taken place.
This change is due to the need of increasing the range of phone numbers to be given, due to the continued growth of Telecel’s Customers base. In order to do its best to serve its Customers and as a result of the development it has gone through and of the existing estimates for the future, Telecel has decided to change progressively to numbers of seven digits with no deep alteration in the phone numbers already given.