Press Releases
Vodafone Telecel’s Environmental Management certified by APCER
Lisbon, 4 June 2003 – Vodafone Telecels Environmental Management System, covering the entire organisation, has been certified by APCER (the Portuguese Certification Association) in compliance with standard NP EN ISO 14001.
This makes Vodafone Telecel the first mobile telecommunications operator in Portugal to obtain Global Certification to this world recognised standard.
The certification awarded by APCER, an independent body, recognises Vodafone Telecels Environmental Management System as a key tool in the continuing improvement in the telecommunications operators environmental performance.
The certification demonstrates Vodafone Telecels clear commitment to the Environment at all levels of the organisation and its constant concern to develop and implement environmental programmes to protect the world around it.
With a view to minimising any possible negative impacts from its low-polluting activities, Vodafone Telecel has implemented a large number of environmental action programmes, including:
oBattery Recycling Programme
oMobile Phone Recycling Programme
oMonitoring of Electromagnetic Radiation
oWaste Separation Programme
oPackaging Management
oSharing of Infrastructures