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Vodafone launches free information on the foot of mobile phone displays

Lisbon, 21 June 2006 – Vodafone is today launching the Vodafone Info service, which automatically shows information messages at the foot of customers’ mobile phone displays (commonly known as ‘ticker’) in a similar way to what we are used to seeing on television, especially during public information programmes.

The new service includes information from five thematic content channels: News, Sport, Weather, Cinema and Ringtones. Information messages will shortly be available on the following themes: Jokes, Images, Java Games and Miscellaneous Promotions.

There is no charge for receiving the messages or configuring the service on phones. To obtain further information about the messages received, customers can access the Vodafone live! portal via the link at the end of each message.

The service is updated by Vodafone between 9:00 am and 11:00 pm. If they wish, users can activate or disactivate the available thematic channels by using the service menu pre-installed on the phone and so personalise the service to include the themes that interest them.

In this initial phase, the Vodafone Info service is available on the Vodafone live! Motorola V1075 phone, and the service is planned to be launched on several other phones until the end of the year.