Press Releases
Terça-Feira, 2 de Janeiro de 2007
Christmas and New Year
Vodafone processed 392 million SMS
Lisbon, 2 January 2007 Vodafone processed 392 million SMS over the festive season (22 December to 1 January), an all-time record for the Vodafone network and an increase of around 35% on the same period last year.
In only two days (31 December and 1 January), Vodafone processed 78 million SMS, an increase of around 25% on the same period last year. The heaviest message traffic occurred on 31 December between 19:00 and 20:00 and between 23:30 and 00:30.
In spite of the high volumes of traffic, the processing of voice calls and delivery of text messages ran totally smoothly on the Vodafone network. Recent capacity increases on the voice network and the doubling of the capacity of the SMS (text message) platform contributed to this.