Press Releases
Lisbon, 22nd of march 2021
Vodafone Business launches offer for office of the future
Vodafone Business has just made FlexOffice available, the first fully cross-cutting offer in the market to embody the emerging concept of a flexible office and anticipate the needs of companies in a new work paradigm.
As from today, the offer is available to companies of any size and enables workspaces – face-to-face or remote – to become more flexible and efficient.
The solutions are part of three pillars that are essential for the continuity of economic activity in the current and future model:
- Mobility: keep workspaces, whether physical or digital, connected at all times, ensuring the continuity of all communications;
- Security: ensure the physical and digital protection of the business;
- Efficiency: increase productivity through process automation and resource optimization in a sustainable way.
This offer is fully aligned with the ongoing transformation in the dynamics and models of work, which results from the acceleration dictated by the pandemic, and the economic and social conjuncture; it is line with the trends identified in several studies carried out to explore and anticipate the concept that will be in force in the near future. Just to illustrate, recent surveys* show that, from the perspective of Portuguese CEOs, telework and automation are the trends resulting from the pandemic that will have the longest lasting impact, while cybersecurity is the main concern of domestic CIOs.
Accordingly, FlexOffice integrates a number of solutions, including the Virtual Private Cloud, which allows IT infrastructure to be dematerialised; Safe Net Access, enabling a secure connection to the company's network; plus new solutions such as Office Booking, which oversees the management of office occupancy, and the Trend Micro Worry-Free Services, an offer that guarantees the protection of business information.
"At a time when the vast majority of companies have been working remotely for a year and the plan for phasing out the confinement directives calls for more adaptations, the economic fabric is exploring the direction of the market and outlining plans to return to offices. Vodafone is no exception and, as a trusted technological partner of Portuguese companies, it reaffirms its commitment to accompany its customers in this transformation process, offering to the business segment the solutions it has been adopting in-house.
At this point as well, FlexOffice takes on a special importance, not only for the comprehensiveness and transversality of the solution offered, but also because it integrates two essential premises for the office of the future: the Culture of Connected Work, enabling the connection, concentration, co-creation and inspiration of employees, and Corporate Social Responsibility, safeguarding the principal of work-life balance and sustainable behaviours, prioritising the component of security and energy efficiency," says Henrique Sacadura Fonseca, Vodafone Business Unit Director.
*Source: PwC, October2020. Covid-19 -CEO Panel Survey.
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