Press Releases
Telecel offers special tariffs for the Blind People's Asociation
Telecel offers special conditions of subscription and use of its service, as well as for the acquisition of handsets to the members of the “Associação dos Cegos e Amblíopes de Portugal” (ACAPO).
As a result of a partnership agreement signed with the association, it was created a tariff scheme ACAPO, which allows its subscribers to benefit from the offer of the activation charge, from a reduction of more than 25% on the monthly subscription (including the offer of an Insurance for Cellular Phones), as well as a reduction of 50% on the value used on communications for some services, such as TeleMultibanco, Telecel Information, Phone Directory, among others.
The monthly subscription for the tariff scheme ACAPO is of 2,950 PTE, including the Insurance for the Cellular Phones and ten minutes of free of charge calls. The cost of national calls to Telecel’s network is of 35 PTE for the Base Tariff and of 25 PTE for the Reduced and Weekend Tariff. The costs of the calls to other operators are 136 PTE for the Base Tariff, 30 PTE for the Reduced Tariff and 25 PTE for the Weekend Tariff. The rating periods are of 30 seconds in the communications made to other operators for the period of the Base Tariff and of 60 seconds in the other cases.
For the ACAPO associates who are already Telecel’s Customers, the change from their tariff plan to the specific ACAPO plan is free of charge. The associates who already own cellular equipment and want to get a Telecel service which is linked to the specific tariffs scheme of ACAPO, will benefit from the offer of the activation charge and from communications included in the amount of 2,500 PTE.
On the other hand, Telecel also offers special conditions for the acquisition of equipment. There is the Philips Spark phone, which allows the dialling of up to 10 numbers through voice recognition and may be bought for 39,900 PTE (VAT included), with 2,500 PTE of communications; and the Philips Fizz, which costs 9,945 PTE (VAT included), if we adhere to Telecel’s network during a period of 18 months.