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Press Releases

Vodafone invites Portuguese architects to submit ideas for its new Head Office in Oporto

Lisbon, 4 July 2006 – Vodafone is to invite some of Portugal’s most respected architects to take part in an ‘Ideas Competition’ to select the final design of its new head office building in Oporto.

Vodafone intends the building to be of major architectural quality both from the functional and aesthetic points of view, and that it should be one of the most striking buildings in Oporto.

The selection panel for the ‘Ideas Competition’ will be composed of Board members and representatives of Vodafone employees, Oporto City Council and of a Consultative Committee composed of three renowned Portuguese architects.

The ‘Invitation Process’, which is likely to begin on 6 July, calls for responses by 2 August 2006.

The Vodafone Building will be constructed on two plots at the junction of Avenida da Boavista and Rua Correia de Sá. The building will have an area of around 3500 m2 above ground and is expected to be completed by 31 December 2008.