Press Releases
New Madonna single now available on Vodafone mobiles
Lisbon, 19 March 2008 Madonnas new single, 4 minutes, is now available to Vodafone mobile users. Thanks to yet another exclusive pre-release on the Vodafone live! portal, Vodafone customers can now buy the complete track of the first single from Madonnas new album, Hard Candy.
From 24 March, Vodafone customers will also be able to download the ringtone and ringding for this single.
From 21 April, Vodafone customers will again be the first to hear Madonnas songs on their mobile phones. This time, Vodafone will make one track available every day for a week from Madonnas new album, which will not be on sale until 28 April. Each track will only be available for 24 hours before it is replaced by the next track.
This exclusive pre-release is part of Vodafones strategy of providing its customers with a wide range of multimedia content via the Vodafone live! portal.
Vodafone, in exclusive association with Warner Music, will be organising a promotional campaign for this release which will include television, radio, the Internet, illuminated billboards and the press.
This is Madonnas 11th album with Warner Music. Over the 20 years of her career, she has sold over 200 million albums and has recently been admitted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.