Press Releases
Coimbra’s Queima das Fitas goes green thanks to Vodafone Portugal
Lisbon and Coimbra, 29 April 2009 The 110th Queima das Fitas (end of year Burning of the Ribbons) at Coimbra University is to be the first Eco-Queima das Fitas. Under the pioneering Eco-Queima initiative, the Queima das Fitas will plant 4200 trees with support from Vodafone Portugal and the cooperation of Coimbra Municipal Council.
The 4200 trees are sufficient to offset the 1270 tons of carbon dioxide that will be emitted during the 8 days that the Queima das Fitas lasts.
The Queima das Fitas at Coimbra involves over 800,000 people during the week, making this the biggest carbon-free event ever organised in Portugal.
The carbon footprint of the Queima das Fitas, calculated by the climate change consultants Ecoprogresso, results from the electricity consumed during the event, the transport used by the students and the bands, and the treatment of the waste produced by the event.
Vodafone Portugals support from its social responsibility programme, totalling 25,000, will be directed towards the rehabilitation of a green space on the outskirts of the city of Coimbra, which will include planting 4200 trees.
The first 110 trees, dedicated to each of the 110 years of the Coimbra Queima das Fitas, will be planted on 5 May at Mondego Green Park on the left bank of the river Mondego, in the area surrounding the Coimbra Exploratorium Live Science Centre, in a ceremony attended by representatives of the Queima das Fitas, the University of Coimbra, Coimbra Municipal Council and Vodafone Portugal.