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Segunda-Feira, 16 de Agosto de 2010

National Customer Satisfaction Index published by Anacom

Vodafone continues to have the most satisfied customers in the communications sector

Lisbon, 16 August 2010 – Vodafone Portugal has once again obtained the highest customer satisfaction rating in the telecommunications sector, according to a survey published by the regulatory authority, Anacom. Vodafone achieved a satisfaction rating of 7.93 (on a scale from 1 to 10), the highest in the whole of the communications sector.

Carried out annually, the ECSI Portugal Report published by Anacom presents the National Customer Satisfaction Index in the telecommunications sector, covering mobile, fixed phone, Internet and pay-TV operators. As in the previous two years, Vodafone was ranked in first place in all the indicators reported in this survey: the Image that customers have of the operator, Customer Expectations, the Perceived Quality of the operator’s network and services, Perceived Value for Money, Satisfaction with the Operator, Complaints Received and how they are handled, and Customer Loyalty to their operator.

In this year’s survey, Vodafone saw its already high customer satisfaction ratings improve further on last year, with considerable rises in the results achieved in all indicators. Vodafone customers continue to be those most satisfied with their operator.

In the mobile communications subsector, the Report states that “Overall, Vodafone has the highest ratings (…)”, and specifically that “Vodafone has the highest ratings in the seven variables surveyed. TMN has the lowest performance overall in the estimated ratings (…)”. According to the report, ”Vodafone remains in top position in the satisfaction index” and “in the loyalty index, Vodafone is once again in top position, well ahead of Optimus and TMN (…)”.

The ECSI Portugal National Customer Satisfaction Index stems from Portugal’s membership of the ECSI (European Customer Satisfaction Index) project, initiated in 1999 by the European Commission and EOQ (European Organization for Quality). The aim of the project is to analyse customer satisfaction using the same methodology in all Member States so as to provide a comparative analysis for the various business sectors in each country.

The ECSI Portugal survey was carried out by the Higher Institute of Statistics and Information Management at the New University of Lisbon in partnership with the Portuguese Association for Quality and the Portuguese Quality Institute, with sponsorship from Anacom.

The publication of this survey by the telecommunications sector regulator (at